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<DIV> We vote every day, it's the very first thing I do every morning
first for OMBR then for BOB ! then the next day BOB is
first and OMBR is second, we don't want to show partially ! bwahaha
just so you guys know !</DIV>
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<DIV>my first Basset Lucy Girl use to get car sick when she was a pup, the
vet told us to just keep taking her for short rides and we did, but one
particualr time, my son who actually bought Lucy had to take her to the vets for
her puppy shot and he was so proud like a new daddy, so Lucy laid on his
lap , bwahahaha and about half way there she threw up all over his lap and
down his crotch and by then he had to pull over and get out and
vomit himself. bwahahahah by the time they got to the vet they
were both green and smelled awful and there is my 24 year old son who looked
like he just wet himself !!!!!!!, on the way home he put her on the floor
in the back seat !!!!</DIV>
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<DIV>OK here goes a loaded question, that I probably shouldn't ask because I am
pretty sure someone out there will bite my head off, chew it up and then
regurgitate it, but just before Christmas, the ASPCA called me and
asked for a $25.00 donation, now, " my personal opinion " is that
they do good work especailly saving animals during national disasters. but
they just sent me an application for health insurance for my pets. my
question is does anyone else have their insurance and is it a good program
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<DIV>I posted on face book last night about losing my Evil Annie, I was
talking to my twin sister who is the only person in the world who takes 1 hour
and 15 minutes just to say goodbye, when I answer the phone, I say goodbye
instead of hello ! seriously, true ! any ways I am walking around
with my portable phone and I see Maggie in her chair but no Annie
HMMMM so I check the family room, NOPE I check both
bedrooms, NOPE, I look under the bed and behind the love seat
in the family room , NOPE so I tell my sister OMG I cant find ANNIE
! so she said " Marlene, you are the only person I know that
can you lose a big Basset Hound in a bungalow? " weeeeellll
???? damn it !! I cant find her ANNIE
Oh ANNIE Come ANNIE, Annie, so I go outside,
thinking that I had another brain fart and left her out there,
NOPE No Annie ! so now this is serious, so I said I
have to go Darlene, I need to find Annie, well find her I did,
she had gone behind the couch and tried to slither through the opening between
the couch and the end table and got stuck ! big time stuck, couldn't
back up her bigger than a bus butt, so there she was lodged between two
pieces of furniture. and she never whimpered or barked or anything,
just laid there like a DORK and waited for me to rescue her. Phew !
thank God I dont have a bigger house !</DIV>
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<DIV>Marlene mommy to Maggie Wags and Evil