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We have had bassets since 1983. Been sleeping with them since then. Sassy was so homesick when we got her that the only way to get any sleep ourselves was to let her sleep next to us. The first time she slept next to me, she got up, went to the foot of the bed and peed, and then came back up and snoozed the rest of the night. What a pip. Not all of our bassets have slept with us. Sunny would have taken limbs off if we had let her up with us. Shelby sleeps with the boyslave because she is just too short to get on the bed. Ninja sleeps at the foot of our bed keeping watch over us every night. She is our guardian angel basset. And I wouldn't have it any other way. Have I ever gotten sick from this?? Not that I know of. I have caught things from children at school and at home, several times. Right now I have a case of shingles. Don't know why but I would bet that STRESS caused by certain children might be a large contributing factor. I will keep sleeping next to my bassets. It is so soothing to stroke basset fur. I will take the chance of illness to love my girls. It is well worth it.<BR>
We are so sorry that so many bassets have left for the Bridge. We are sending hearthealing drool to the families of Gus and Bubba and any others who are sad and missing their babies. They never stay long enough.<BR>
Julie with Ninja, Marley, Maggie and Shelby with the very hairy, tail chasing kitty boys<BR> </body>