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<div><br>It is 3:39 and not in the afternoon.</div>
<div>I awoke to the unmistakable sounds of one hound vomiting his little heart out in the living room.</div>
<div>Two hounds are crated by my bed.</div>
<div>One Belgian ALWAYS makes it to the back door.</div>
<div>That left Llewis who was indeed leaving giant puddles as he made his way through the house to me, for help. I sent him outside to finish.</div>
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<div>Cleaning it up I thought oooooosmells bloody.</div>
<div>Turned on lights and thought yeah, you know, looks a little bloody. Not good at all.'</div>
<div>Followed the trail cleaning as I went.</div>
<div>Big dog came along, the others decided they needed to go out. Everyone went out and I got boots and a flashlight and went out and looked carefully at the puddles outside and was relieved to find my conclusion was incorrect and there was no blood anywhere. Llewis was already dashing around with his helicopter tail and when everyone came in, altho I put him in his crate for the rest of the night, he was right there begging for treats.</div>
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<div>This is dog number 4 who has awakened me the past few night puking. Each night one dog. Nobody seems the worse for it. I am hoping this is the end of it.</div>
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<div>MomPerson to Nigel (who was first) Conley (second) Llewis (Last as always) and Cooper ( third in line.)</div></font></font>