<div>As you folks to the west and north of us are being overwhelmed with ice and snow, we're having a gorgeous day here in NC. The sun isn't shining but the temps are up to the high 60's and it's wonderful outside. I decided that it's time for the Pita, errrr, Ginger, and I to get back into walking form. I bought one of those nose leads last fall because this hard headed, stubborn, determined, 64 pound brat tries to drag me around the neighborhood when we walk and I'm tired of it. We used it some in the fall but most of our outings this winter have been short distances and close to home or to the dog park so she hasn't worn it in a while. Well, let me tell you, this Houndette is rotten to the core. I knew she'd spend a little bit of time scraping her face along the ground trying to get it off and she did. We finally walked for about a mile and she stopped. Totally stopped. She didn't flat basset but she was NOT going to take another step and I was stupid and didn't take any treats with me! We still had about a quarter mile to go to get back to the house and it was the longest quarter mile I've ever walked in my life. The Pita had made up her mind that she was not going to take another step and I made up my mind that she was going to keep the halter on till we got home so we were at a total stand off. I cannot carry her fluffy butt and I absolutely was not going to take that halter off so I ended up pushing her front feet forward with one foot and pushing her back feet forward with my other foot. She would walk a couple of feet and I'd have to do it again. I'm sure my neighbors were laughing hysterically if they were watching. Believe me, I tried everything short of carrying her before I resorted to that tactic. So, I got a heck of a work out today but I think I won that battle. Well, maybe.....</div>
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<div>Hoping all you who are getting this awful storm are staying safe and warm. The Houndettes and our visiting mastiffs send drool to all in need.</div>
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<div>Jane & the Houndettes</div>
<div>Jersey, Shadow, Suzy & the Pita, Ginger (I think I rate OEBE status!)</div>
<div>& mastiffs Brutus & Sasha</div>