I've been on the Drool for over 10 years and had a lot of fun on it. Given that, I'd like to:<br><br>1.thank Sandy Gaston for the lovely apology about the cremation post, even though I missed reading the post itself.<br>
<br>2. Comment (maybe again) about the old basset poem: lovely poem. I don't know how old it is, but why keep an old basset in a shed and why not take him to the vets for the eye problem? The structure of the poem is lovely. Maybe I've been in rescue too long!<br>
<br>3. Comment about the good old days of the Drool. Those days were good and fun, with my boy Noah Go Slowah, Kirby, Bart, Enzo, Rhett, Lovely Lucy, Bess (I'm missing some). Today's drool is fun too, just with a different mix. There are several groups that developed as offshoots of the drool. They are just groups of friends, and not "secret."<br>
<br>Snooters to all!<br><br>Roland, Duke of Ears<br>Truman, perpetual 2 year old<br>Janice<br><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br><div><font color="#3333ff" size="4">Janice Henry Colvin</font></div><br>