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<div><br>DH went downtown today, to Chicago, to walk. He called and requested a specific dessert so I went to the store and got it. When he is not home and the weather is nice as it is today I tend to leave the doors open. I mean the storm doors are closed but the big doors are open. I love the light, I love the fresh air such as it is, especially with a house of Bassets who stink to high heaven of mud and gunk.</div>
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<div>So here I sat happily emailing Lilie Basset's Mom, when--- click: click; slam! Uhhhhh...I fly out of my chair into the living room in time to see a little butt disappear around the corner of the driveway. I had forgotten. SOMEONE can open the door! In my sweetest voice I called. He paused. He continued to my neighbor's pine, peed, looked over his shoulder and took off at a gallop. He has on no collar. I rush back to the house and grab a leash, when I get out, he is gone.</div>
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<div>I trot down the street calling, offering treats. I see no Basset. Calling, offering treets comeget treeeeets Conleeeeee treeets... I tiptoe down driveways and peer into yards=-= no basset. Not a sign. Not a white tail-tip, not a silly mug--nothing, no dog. By now I am hysterical. There is no one to call. John is on the train. My children are far, far away. Susan is in Evansville. No one no one to help look. Not for at least another 45 minutes when John gets home.</div>
<div>I am sobbing and calling and calling. I get to the end of the street and don't know which way to go. We don't walk this way. I decide to go get the car. </div>
<div>I turn around and at the other end of the street I see a little tri-colored blob galloping toward me, tail going a thousand miles an hour. We rush toward each other. I am not sure who was happier to see whom. Clearly, Conley was relieved to see a familiar face. He must have just powered around the block. We did massive hugs and kisses on the sidewalk, snot dribbling out of my nose, tears still coming. Oh my god. We went home. (I had a leash). He got a thousand biscuits.</div>
<div>I will nebber nebber nebber leeb dat door unlocked again nebber ebber.</div>
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<div>MomPerson (The heart still pounds) to Nigel, Llewis, Cooper and Mr. Fun-and-Games, Conley</div></font></font>