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<div> Okay, I got tired of the "Sheila Self" spam that was making its way onto my Drool. I sent a private e-mail to the address it was coming from and advised them of what was going on. I said I hoped it was simply a case of having one's e-mail account hacked and asked that they kindly fix the problem - as solicitation was not permitted on the Drool. I have not seen any more posts from "her." Hopefully that was the case and the problem is solved. <br>
As Brudder Elwood says, "My hebbins, me headbone is a full ob stuff what be a-happening!" While I agree the moderators are here to moderate and not censor Drool posts, nor would we want this to happen - I'm sure it's a tough job. Frankly, I don't know where they find the time! Regarding flamers, be they on or off list. <b>People...do unto others as you would want done to you! Craft your responses with kindness and tact, even if the subject is near and dear to your heart.</b> Cyber communication is SO very different from face-to-face. We cannot hear tone of voice or any other things which allow us to better communicate. It would do well for all to keep this in mind. <br>
Remember, there will <b>always</b> be newbies who ask questions which some have heard or answered dozens of times before. That's the purpose of this list; to educate, enlighten and share the joys, laughter, frustration - and sadly, sometimes the sorrow of being owned by a Basset hound. I am so very grateful for finding it and treasure the friendships I have found here, both cyber and in "Real Life." Like a RL family, there will be times when we don't agree, heck - when we may not even <i>like</i> each other, but the bottom line is <u>we are family</u>. Tolerance of differences goes a long way...<br>
Marlene - You are a hoot and I SO look forward to your posts. Hugs!<br>
Bev - I have taken that heart-stopping journey, looking for an adventuresome hound, praying all the while that he was not harmed. So glad you and Conley were happily reunited. <br>
Love the "You know you have a hound problem when..." thread. Gonna think on this before contributing...<br>
The Basset jokes are hysterical. I particularly loved the Talking Basset one...<br>
Healing drool to those who need it and heart healing drool to those who have lost a precious houndie.<br>
Sandi, Mamaslave to the NJ 4<br>
Daisy, Delilah, Dozer and Dudley<br>
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