<div>While being on a stretcher, taken from your house in heart failure and all you can say is..."Where's my dog? Lock the door, make sure she's OK." Then while in the ER, with oxygen on, blood being taken, EKG being done, respiratory therapy trying to give you a breathing treatment, you're telling the family to go and take care of the hound, 'cause she gets so scared when I leave...and then worrying about her all the time I'm in the hospital. I know she remembers when her Mama Mary went away on a stretcher and never came home. That's why she gets LOTS of lovin' and treats when I get home and I can see all is OK in her world..for now. Love my girl, my Ms. Beasley.</div>
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<div>Drool, snooter kisses and prayers to all...thank you for being my friends.</div>
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<div>Ruth Beattie &</div>
<div>Ms Beasley Ann (HI Brudder Jake, you hunk of hound! If Mama wants to get a cat, have her send you to mememe!)</div>