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It has been a bad, bad day. One of my friends asked me for help for a pup that her friend saw tossed out of a car window. Her friend picked up the dog, but unfortunately, could not keep him due to her daughter's allergies. I have a co-worker who runs an independent rescue and she agreed to take the dog in. He was so small, we thought he was a puppy, but he turned out to be 3-5 years old, a Jack Russell/Doxie mix who unfortunately was blind. Later we found out he was deaf and had brain damage aggravated by being tossed from the car. Unfortunately, he continued to steadily decline in health and he will be making his journey to the Rainbow Bridge today. I never met the little fella, but my heart has broken in half over this story. I decided to call him Gabriel as he will soon be an angel. Please say prayers and ask your houndies to sling drool for this precious baby's journey. We are waiting to hear if they got the license number of the car that tossed the baby. My thoughts to those people are I hope they burn in hell for what they did!<BR>
Also, the rescue has some puppies that were dumped at a shelter and contracted parvo. Unfortunately, one of the puppy's made her way to the Bridge this morning, but her brother is still fighting. Please say prayers and sling drool for the brother.<BR>
I was already having a major depression and anxiety bout, but this news has just made it even worse. <BR>
Please do me a favor - hug your furbabies and buy them something special in honor of little Gabriel - who never had a fighting chance.<BR>
Dianne Taylor - Mom to Morgan, J.D., and foster girl, Penelope<BR> </body>