<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;"><DIV>Well its been for days since our house guest, now named Shelby, has been at the house. We have a very active house now. Things have been better with Speedy too. Although he still doesn't play with Shelby, he no longer snarls at her. I have also caught both on the same bed sleeping. The only time Speedy gets grouchy with her is when she pounces on him or tries to steal his food (that happened this morning). </DIV>
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<DIV>I am back to potty training. UGH I hate potty training. Shelby is pretty good at not going in the house, but she hasn't figured out that I need to know when she needs to go. Yesterday she did both her businesses in my kitchen. I will not fault her for that. My better judgment told me to let them out immediately, but my lazy side won over so I decided to change and get ready to work before I let them out. Sure enough I had a clean up session at 6 AM making me late to work. All I could do is grumble to myself that I should have listened to my rational side.</DIV>
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<DIV>This morning I got up at 5:30 AM (even though its my day off and usually sleep in until 8) to let her go out. She did do one part of her business and immediately wanted to be let back in. 15 minutes later while I was petting Speedy I glance over my shoulderbecause I knew she would have to go and Shelby was just finishing making Lake Pee. UGH I have to clean it up and of course ran out of paper towels so I trying to step around it and slip and step on pee! <sigh> So today I am cleaning and disinfecting so she doesn't get more ideas and tomorrow morning the first thing I will do is let her out and insist she does both her businesses BEFORE she is let back in. <BR></DIV>
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<DIV>Becky all I have to say is: SQUIRT BOTTLE. I have trained Speedy, Rambo (to a more extensive degree) and now slowly with Shelby. None of them like being wet so it works well to dissuade the jumping, whining, the food tackle or whatever is the unwanted behavior. Morse might learn that his whining only gets him squirts of water in the face rather then food. Just spray him when he starts his unwanted behavior, if at all possible squirt him when he just about to start. However, if he doesn't mind the squirts of water this method is useless. Ted was not at all phased with the squirt of water so the bottle was futile. </DIV>
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<DIV><BR>Nancy momslabe to<BR>Speedy Speed Demon of the West OEBE<BR>Ted (ATB)<BR>Rambo</DIV>
<DIV>and Shelby the house guest</DIV></td></tr></table><br>