<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;"><DIV>Today I finally get some time to write in about our house guest Shelby who has kept all of us on our toes. The first week was just getting the pack order down. Speedy seemed concerned of where his place would be. Rambo was happy he had a play buddy and immediately took to her although sometimes she does wear him out (to my amazement) </DIV>
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<DIV>We took Shelby to the vet a week after she arrived. She weighed a measly 37 pounds. She really should be at least 50 pounds. We were also expecting her to have an ear infection but since I was treating her with Blue Ear Powder throughout that week, the vet said she didn't have one and sent us on our merry way saying she was gorgeous, how well behaved she is (little does he know) and How we (because by this time everyone is looking at my friend and I as if we were a couple) lucked out. </DIV>
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<DIV>The second week was more adventurous. Shelby decided she did know how to tell me she needed to go potty and decided to wake me at 4:30 every morning. I kept repeating to myself "She is training me for daylight savings, she is training me for daylight saving" so that I didn't choke the cute thing. Last Thursday I was tired when the call came and didn't get up fast enough to Shelby's standards. As punishment she decided to pee - on all three beds. I knew it was her way of saying "you should obey me when I say come" because she has peed in the house before but on the tiles not on the beds. I was not thrilled with the idea of washing all three beds before the crack of dawn. We had a heart to heart that afternoon and come to the agreement of I will listen when called and she will not pee on the beds. She is also vocal, she tells me her day and that she needs attention NOW. If I pet Speedy or Rambo and she wants
attention she will bark and bark at the boys as if saying nagging them that it's her turn. It's really quite funny. Speedy and Shelby have also come to an understanding- he will put up with her antics if she lets him sleep in. Speedy is no morning hound and gets livid if woken up by her jumping on him. One morning I seriously thought Speedy would have a heart attack after Shelby jumped on him trying to get him to play at 5:30 - not the brightest idea she had. </DIV>
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<DIV>On Saturday we took Shelby back to the vets and to my surprise and joy she weighed in at 45 pounds. She still looks thin but you can't see her bones anymore and if I can get her to 55 I will be happy camper. There are, of course, more stories of her, but I think I see Speedy mowing around the yard in search of a fallen avocado. (A story for another day)</DIV>
<DIV><BR>Nancy <SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>momslabe</SPAN></SPAN></SPAN> to<BR>Speedy Speed Demon of the West OEBE<BR>Ted (ATB)<BR>and now Rambo and house guest Shelby</DIV></td></tr></table><br>