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If you're planning on giving your dogs anything droolworthy, could I ask you a favour? Would you have them send a little over this way? Please?<br><br>Flash, one of our nine-year-olds, went to see the vet today and we should receive the blood test results tomorrow. For the last three weeks or so, we've been keeping Flash and Wilma off the furniture, since Flash had begun to be rather bossy towards Paul. And Paul, being a terrier man, will brook *no* nonsense whatsoever. So then Flash began to pee like a racehorse all over the house: I thought it was simply his way of saying, "Piss *on* ya!" (I've always wnated to be a psychologist. Good thing I'm not!)<br><br>So today we learned that it most likely isn't an infection, but probably something 'bigger' (I say that with the sure knowlege that an infection can certainly be deadly, too). Diabetes, Cushing's, kidney problems and God alone knows what else it might be. I can't say that I'm overly worried--Flash is as strong as a bulldozer, our vet seems pretty astute and, no matter what, Paul and I will do whatever it takes (but I *am* grateful for ceramice floors). Oh, who am I kidding? I'm a nervous wreck, and weepy with it, too. I just want to *know* (and you all 'get' it. You've all been there, too).<br><br>Thanks for the drool and your well wishes. I'll keep you posted on the diagnosis.<br><br>On a happier note, we walked to the doughnut shop afterwards and I saw that even though he's gotta feel punk, his tail can't stop wagging and he could hardly wait to be adored by total strangers. He loves the vet and everyone at the practice, he's excellent with strange dogs and all cats and he's just naturally curious. His food aggression is lessening noticeably. Flash is a wonderful dog, and I'm so proud to be his mum. I want him to live forever.<br><br><br>Veronica Woodruff<br><br><br><br><font style="" color="#7030a0"><font style="" color="#953734">"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away." Henry David Thoreau</font><br></font><br><br> </body>