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MMMMMMM Yummy Yummy Popcorn, Elder Clara lubs moovie day here at the bridge. All that butter on me snooter, why goodness, my favorite movie--K9---all kicked back, liddel soda pop, ahhhhh------relaxin---</div>
<div>Hold it. Elder Clara is a hearin me bell. This better be da real deal now--Elder Clara hab run on birds ----bird gate down the row, all that peckin and squakin--Elder Clara get headbone ache with all that flapping going on---</div>
<div>Okay, I wipe me paws, checkie the little hole and lookie there, been expectin this one. </div>
<div>Come on in here--get your paperwork out here. Elder Clara get you all settled.</div>
<div>Poo. Now that very interestin name there lady dog. You little cutie, all smiling, and wiggling all over the place.</div>
<div>Lets see---you got any stuff you trying to bring in--you know Fey Fey is a watchin----Elder Clara do the walk around. Clean--very nice--tail up--yup. You pass with the flyin colors.</div>
<div>Now lets see here. You order up a fluffly cloud----we got very nice cloud over there on Sun Beam Road. Cloud 7969. Very good location, close to the buffett---and speakin of the buffett----this girl after me heart here----she order up cheeseburgers---woo hoo---Elder Clara git all exticed about that one--me favorite!!! Buffett is stuffed---now here is your map, your pooper scooper-----roll on down and get settled--better hurry now cause Elder Clara is a headin to the buffet. Life is good here at the bridge, your people know you are safe---</div>
<div>My goodness--finally one that didn't get on me memory foam perch---All is great at the bridge---Elder Clara is closing the gate----Cheeseburgers await--<br>
all the hounds will be be at the buffet to greet Poo.</div>
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<div style="CLEAR: both"><FONT color=black size=2 face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><FONT color=black size=2 face=arial>
<div>Debbie Winchester <br>
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to <br>
PW, OEBE Elder Clara, <br>
OEBE Brudder Elwood, Instigator of Evil Deeds<br>
Elder Sister Daisy, Brudder Jake</div>
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