Hewo, dis be Emma. Momma not wet mememe write in much, somefin about HUGE pawsies, one of which is deformed, and a TINY keyboard... What does hers know? Joey do da typins, but he be passed out cold & gots all 4s up in da sky, wit da earflappers danglin and da lipperflappers flopped up, it be quite da site! Anyahroooo, mes gonna tell ya da story ob da twip today. It bes to da pwace called PetCo. Momma done read dat deys gots da houndie foods on sale, so we's gonna go & get da foods 'cause we's bein starbed! (Momma pawing in, they were NOT starved, they got 1/2 portions of food this morning 'cause we ran out, and then they had "lunch" of Merrick cans to make up for it!) <div>
<br></div><div>go away momma, dis be ME story! So, we be gettin weady ta go into da store, and what dat cwazy momma go & do? She pick up widdle old ME and puts me in da cart! Can you beweibes it?! Oh da humiliation! Joey gets ta walk, but me gotts to wide inna cart! She say it be da carriage, but I don't bewebs hers! Den, when I twies ta jumpie out, she say no, I gotta stay & sit. At weast da odder peoples inna store fought I be pwetty, and decided to pet mememe. Den, when we was gonna weeb, momma get Joey inna car, and hims escape to go & pway wiff da doggie inna car next to we. I stiw can't beweeve dat she put mememe inna cart!</div>
<div><br></div><div>Okay, Emma, that's enough. I need to clarify a few things I think. She didn't fight to go in the cart, but did sulk & look unamused, also she did try to make a break for it a few times. When I walked in w/her in the cart, we were decended upon by a PetCo employee, who apparently felt sympathetic for the old houndette in the cart & decided she needed attention & ear scritches. In the end, the trip was a success & momma is now broke but the hounds shall be eating like royalty for a couple of weeks. But, the only solution I could think of for how to get 2 hounds, one of which always goes belly up & demands attention, and one of which always yowels & tries to play w/other dogs, when it was during an adoption day, was to put the easier to manage one in the cart, and then to walk Joey along side. He nearly got run over by the cart a few times, but it was worth it & it worked pretty well, all things considered!<br>
-- <br>-Karrie, momma to Joey & Emma, with Slater (ATB), Aunty to Checkers, Domino & Crispin (wb)<br><br>Joey's dogster page: <a href="http://www.dogster.com/dogs/637473" target="_blank">http://www.dogster.com/dogs/637473</a><br>