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<DIV class=replyBody>Hi all!<BR><BR>Tri-State Basset Hound Rescue's BoardWaddle Weekend is only 7 days away! If you haven't sent in your registration form yet for the Dinner and Pawction (with a new reduced price of $20/person) you still have time but just barely! We have to give the final count to the country club very soon. Email us if you plan on attending but haven't sent your registration form in yet (<SPAN id=OBJ_PREFIX_DWT301><A class=parsedEmail href="mailto:adopt@tristatebassets.org" rel=nofollow target=_blank ymailto="mailto:adopt@tristatebassets.org"><SPAN id=lw_1302386956_2 class=yshortcuts>adopt@tristatebassets.org</SPAN></A></SPAN>).<BR><BR>Don't forget to sign up for the Friday afternoon Basset Olympics (no charge and lots of fun!) and of course, the Waddle and Picnic with the new Arts and Crafts Show on Saturday (where you turn in your pledges to help the homeless hounds!) We already have over 25 vendors
signed up. You can also order your shirts when you send in your registration form or you can buy them at the event (but we may run out of certain sizes!) If you're not able to go to beautiful Ocean City, NJ you can still buy the gorgeous t-shirts (designed by Sue Mason) to support the needy hounds.<BR><BR>Here's the link to the registration packet with all the information: <BR><SPAN><SPAN id=OBJ_PREFIX_DWT302><A href="http://www.tristatebassets.org/BoardWaddle" rel=nofollow target=_blank><SPAN id=lw_1302386956_3 class=yshortcuts>http://www.tristatebassets.org/BoardWaddle</SPAN></A></SPAN></SPAN><BR><BR>You don't have to pre-register for anything except the Dinner and Pawction so don't worry if you haven't registered yet. You can always come to the Basset Olympics and the BoardWaddle and Picnic and register there. (If you pre-register you just have to check in so you'll save some time!)<BR><BR>Let us know if you have any questions, and
thanks!<BR>Sandy and Bob</DIV></DIV>
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