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<DIV>Hi everyone it is me Buddy. Me usually don't post or even use the puter. Me save that fer me sis Lola. She is sleeping so I nab it. Want to tell you me want to be KING, me a BIG MAN. Me already watch da house and me yard for any intruders. I selling "BASSET BUDDYS" and other cool stuff. Basset Buddys are "lavender scented corn heating or ice packs" Mama say they work great. She put it in the Micro and heat for 3 minutes and its HOT. She put on her back when she lift us too much. She also puts it under me non-basset sister when she can't walk. She senior dog. It helps her feel better. She also put in freezer for ice pack. Always keep one in freezer. 2 legged brother always hurt self. I also sell "Snoods", "scrunchie Collar Covers" and "Fleece College coats", Mama mae any coat as long as she find fabric. PLEASE Go
look on me web site. <A href="http://www.ellieandbuddy2011.com/" rel=nofollow target=_blank><SPAN id=lw_1302690905_0 class=yshortcuts>www.ellieandbuddy2011.com</SPAN></A>. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! LOTS OF COOL STUFF. All proceeds will go to <SPAN style="BORDER-BOTTOM: #366388 2px dotted; BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%; CURSOR: hand" id=lw_1302690905_1 class=yshortcuts>Michigan Basset Rescue</SPAN>. Help me help all the hounds who need a froever home!! Me was a MBR rescue. Me was also a Foster Failure as Mama call me. Me no want to leave the home. Me got meself a BOY!!! He's a "Special Boy". Me need to watch over him. He call me "kid", His kid. Me always there when he need me. Me watch over all. Me make good KING!!!</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Hope to be King of <SPAN id=lw_1302690905_2 class=yshortcuts>Michigan</SPAN> <SPAN id=lw_1302690905_3 class=yshortcuts>Waddle</SPAN> 2011</DIV>
<DIV>Help Me Help all the Hounds who need a forever HOME!! </DIV>
<DIV><A href="http://www.ellieandbuddy2011.com">www.ellieandbuddy2011.com</A> </DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></div></body></html>