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I'm WAY behind here. My pygmy goats have kept me in high gear night and day having babies and letting me spoil them. But I couldn't resist posting on this "crappy" subject.<BR>
Having multiple hounds sounds nice. We have a herd here. 15 bassets and Megan The Tall dog. (weimaraner) So to say there's alot of crap around here is an understatement. I scoop poop daily in the kennel and barn area that we affectionately refer to as Fort Basset. It's probably about a half acre thhat's fenced. The yard in front of the house is fenced off from the rest of the property. This is Megan The Tall Dog's domain and she is the only one that poops out there most of the time. Dadslave is responsible for that area. His dog, his poop to scoop. The gravel driveway, yard to the east of driveway, parking area and backyard are areas where the dogs roam free every morning when I let them out and it can be a mine field during seasons when the weather is nasty. I keep the drieway picked up as the poop lying around on the light colored gravel looks like black rocks once it dried in the sun and usually ends up finding it's way on the bottom of my husbands work shoes with all those deep grooves in the soles. This leads to lots of cursing and swearing and various remarks regarding the demise of my bassets. The yard to the east of the driveway is "go there at your own risk" territory. Spring, winter and fall till the snow flies I scoop poop about twice a month and get a medium sized wheelbarrow load. This goes up along the fenceline at the back ot our property which borders on BLM land. There are many many coyotes and foyotes (fox/coyote hybrids) up there who would love a dinner of nice tender baby pygmy goatt for dinner. The constantly replenished dog poop along the fenceline deters them from coming onto the property. I learned this tip form an old cowbay years ago. All other scooped poop is put into 10 gal heavy duty plastic buckets with snap on lids. About every two weeks, my brother comes over and hauls our trash away. We empty the buckets of poop into empty dog food sacks, tie them shut with baling twine and he hauls it all to the dump. Occasionally, it goes to someone that he knows who uses it for heaven only knows what. I decided I really didn't need t know as long as it goes away.<BR>
Jacqie Marvich<BR>
Oakrydge Bassets<BR> </body>