Dear Queen,<br><br>We would love to go to the Mishygun Waddle and spend money. But-the Mom will not let us go. Something about not driving so far with two wild and crazy dogs! <br><br>Maybe someday..but we will look at all the stuffies you got for raffle. By the way, you look pretty cute on your DD calendar page, Sweetie!<br>
<br>I would like to invite all of you to the Oregon Basset Hound Rescue Games coming up on July 16th and 17th in Woodburn, Oregon. Details to follow later.<br><br>On another note: how is this other Truman on the DD Calendar today? The guy in Pennsylvania? Huh?<br>
<br>Love,<br>Roland and TRUMAN of Oregon<br clear="all"><br>-- <br><div><font color="#3333ff" size="4">Janice Henry Colvin</font></div><br>