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<DIV>Dis how it works, we gots lots ob dem funder storms last
night, mommy & daddy put dat fundershirt on Maggie Wags coz she da
biggest sissy ebber ! so she gotz dis shirt on and it not berry pretty,
why dat thing shows every bump and curve dat womens gotz, a pudge here, a bulge
there, a roll or two of fat here and dere trust me, it's not a pretty sight, den
Maggie still wanted daddy or mommy to hold here, dat funder go bingy, bangy boom
! and da priss is scared ! so den it time fur bed and dey take the shirt off coz
wedder man sez only rain no more storms he LIED ! lots more storms
about 2:00 AM and dey last long long long time, so mommy getz back up and
puts dat shirt back on Maggie and made her go to " her own" bed and
she didn't get up da rest ob da night.. me, I didn't ebin nose it stormed
till mommy and daddy told me dis morning, why dis lady need her beauty
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