<DIV>Back in January after Pw. Xandy Bear's 1st surgery I decided to go to Petco to get a soft collar because she does not do the cone. So on my mission of mercy I had to bend under an overhang and reach all the way to the back of the shelf for the collar. The moment I did this my back went out-big out-I wasn't sure I'd be able to stand up again. Anyway, the pain was through the roof and I had to sleep sitting in an arm chair the first few days. Otherwise I couldn't get up at all. Anyway, this led to many fun adjustments like putting the dog bowls down on the floor using my kitchen tongs. I couldn't sit to sew which is why there is one Pw. Xandy Bear Collection item available this year so far and several half finished projects. I just graduated physical therapy this week and I can start exercising etc. I don't know how you spent your day today but I was working on finishing up the stuffed hound. I sent the following e-mail to Angelika but thought it was funny enough to share. So please have a laugh at my expense but please don't mention this to the Pw.</DIV>
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<DIV>" I'm trying to finish sewing the stuffed hound together. Now I don't know if it's poor design, terrible lack of instructions or stupid sewer but the nose ALWAYS gives me fits. I don't think I've ever done one the same way twice. Well this nose took longer to do than the rest of the head and ears. The brushed corduroy fabric was part of the problem but the ears and nose have to match. I had to use the seam ripper to remove the nose 3 times before I got it attached in a way I thought might resemble a nose when finished. Once I had finished closing the top seam of the head I realized the nose wouldn't work the way I needed it to so I needed to open the last inch of the top seam in order to fix the top of the nose. I put the head down to look for the seam ripper again picked it up and then I start to open the WRONG seam unsewing part of nose I had just spent over an hour to attach. I now had to undo more of the seam at the top of the head so I had enough room to reattach the nose. Only took 3 tries...sigh... So I pulled the top edge of the nose free so I could extend the closing seam on top of the head through the top of the nose. Good grief by now the nose fabric is all wonky and frayed at the top. Should I cut another nose and start again(I'd rather shoot myself). So I grabbed my trusty scissors and eyeballed evening it up. By now I'm asking myself why the h*ll I ever started making these da**ed things to begin with and even wondered if anyone would notice if the hound was missing a nose. Okay the seam is done lets pull the wrong side of the nose out and have a look see. How cute-NOT-now it looks like a little teepee. Fine. I decided to beat it into submission by flattening it and sewing straight across the teepee thereby eliminating the point. I then turned the head inside out dreading what I would see. What do you know-a fairly passable nose after all. I hope you are having a happy Easter today. We're going to Glenn's moms house later if my head hasn't exploded from sewing this hound together."<BR><BR></DIV>