A while back, I was just nosing around on the internet and found this <br>wonderful site: <a href="http://www.bassethounds-walk.co.uk./" target="_blank">http://www.bassethounds-walk.co.uk./</a><br><br>They have monthly walks around England where they usually have 20-30 <br>
basset hounds in tow . . . or should I say the humans are in tow. It is <br>such fun to watch the videos of the walks. I just love seeing so many <br>bassets in the same place. It's just one of those site that give that <br>
peaceful feeling that at least in one spot all is right with the world.<br>
<br>Flowing drool to all in need.<br>Barb, Allie, Frances (ATB) & Frazier (ATB)<br>