<div>Cathy and Buster,</div>
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<div>You've endured more than your share !! My mother-in-law has a cocker spaniel, Gracie, who has had ear problems her whole life, and she's now 7, also. Once the vet got the ear problem solved for the most part, he put Gracie on the lowest possible dose of prednisone, and she's been on that for several years. If my MIL stops the pred, the ear problems come right back, so she's decided that even if the pred shortens Gracie's life, she'll at least have much happier years. My MIL got Gracie from a family who had little kids that G kept snapping at -- we think now it was because her ears hurt so much, especially around small, un-gentle children. </div>
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<div>Nancy, Frank the Tank and Tina the Bra-stealer</div>