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<div style="WIDTH: 342px"><span class="highlighterContent"><em><strong><font color="#000000">Well I just have to speak up because I cannot stand seeing a rescue group or anyone involved in a rescue get thrown under the bus without a better explanation. ...I was the one who put T-pee's situation out there because my vet called me about him. I went and spent a half hour with him and the shelter volunteers and the vet staff. He is quite the survivor and has a wonderful attitude and personality. He was seriously underweight because the other dogs always pushed him aside. Thats why they were keeping him separate and they knew this would be an issue for him if he was to thrive. <br>
The shelter itself is seriously lacking in funds and in bad shape. It is rural and they don't get much help.Recently they were alloted funds to build a new one and finally be in a position to do better things in a area that is just getting on its feet . My family has adopted two dogs from this shelter. They are just struggling to help a bunch of abandoned dogs because there isn't any other facilty there that can. That being said..I posted to the drool in the hopes that someone in the area that could handle T-pee's situation, might be interested. By that night I had received several interested posts back but GABR had already spoken. I had already mentioned GABR to the volunteers at the shelter as a possibilty and I am guessing the conversation between the two entities was satisfactory and the shelter committed to GABR. I've never ever heard a bad thing about GABR and would never ever dream of throwing them under the bus just because things didn't work out in an adoption enquiry. I also think its irresponsible to hint at or suggest something sinister or dark is going on without being able to present the facts. It can ruin a groups reputation. With all that being said I think we should all get back to doing what this group does best...being supportive of helping dogs find good homes and being suppostive of whomever tries to accomplish that goal. And there is absolutely no doubt in my heart or my mind that T-pee is in a better place than where he was before.</font></strong></em></span></div>
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<div class="wrap">Pat Mayer</div>
<div class="uiTypeaheadView hidden_elem" id="u666499_17"></div></div></div></div></div></div><br><br>Drool to all in need.<br>Luv and Kissies too.<br>Pwincess LilyGurl ATB , Rudy- Protege to the pwincess, and the rest of the entourage<br>