<html><head><style type='text/css'>p { margin: 0; }</style></head><body><div style='font-family: Arial; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000'><P>Hi, my name is Rusty and I'm a bunnaholic. She slave was hysterical when I had a little snack one when on a walk a while back. She made me go to meetings, pray to St. Ashley and look for a sponsor. I tried. Really. (NOT). I did try and sample some turtle on the hoof not long ago, but he was a bit hard and I put him down. Not tasty and rough on the toofies.</P>
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<P>He slave let me out in the yard this weekend. What's a guy to do? Bunner ran by.....I was well rested, not gonna mess up my yard by poopin in it.........you know, get the picture? I seem to be in the dawG house. Not literally. To get to the never used dawGhouse I'd have to go out the dawGie door and since I am not a dawGie, well, you get the idea. I spend most of my time snoozing. Unfortunately I do not sleep 24/7, although I think she slave was heard to mutter something about being able to arrange it.</P>
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<P>She slave won't open the door for me to the yard. She loves bunners. Has a wall of PenDelfin ones. Likes their floppy ears. He slave says it is what hounds do......I say do I have to give back my official BA, keyrings in the shape of rabbit's feet???</P>
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<P>(No bunnies were harmed in the typing of this message.......)</P></div></body></html>