<html><head><style type='text/css'>p { margin: 0; }</style></head><body><div style='font-family: Arial; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000'>Gentlemen, <BR>I'm searching the Internet for advice and guidance for the following family matter. <BR><BR>Kris and Joey, both pure breed Basset Hounds came to live with us six months apart, Kris first. Kris was a smaller long hair black/white with a more outside personality. A little more protective of the home outside and he took to me as my lap friend. Six months latter Joey moved in. Joey was about twice the size of Kris and a tri-color. It didn't take Joey long to establish his Alpha spot and Kris seemed OK with that because Joey was the inside dog. Each had their own domain. Kris was my dog and Joey was my wife's, by their choices. <BR><BR>As time passed in sun and shade we had our share of emergencies from a case of bloat and a bowel obstruction with Kris to Copperhead bite with Joey, somehow we all survived. After all you can't let your family members get hurt or suffer from minor day to day issues. Until one day we discovered a hard mass in the recess of Kris's neck on his throat. An immediate vet visit confirmed our worst fear - Cancer. Within one week of the diagnosis, my best buddy stopped eating and had to go. The cancer had consumed him while I was in the hospital. I'm obviously heartbroken for many reasons to numerous to name, but I realize what is going and the process of healing has begun. I know what happen and where Kris is but Joey doesn't. <BR><BR>My reason for writing is Joey, my 121/2 year old is now grieving for his lost friend. He is eating less and won't sleep alone. They were crate sleepers and we have offered but he won't come into our bedroom to sleep, we have to go into the living room with him. He won't be left alone. He bays and cries at night and when ever he is left alone at night or whenever my wife leaves the house. He then searches the house for Kris when ever she comes home. We have hesitated in taking down Kris's crate, they were beside each other, in the living room. We haven't gotten rid of any of Kris's bedding so Kris's <SPAN id=DWT250 class=ZM-SPELLCHECK-FIXED word="sents">scents</SPAN> are still in the house. We have heard the thought both way. Taper the possession out slowly or all at once. Joey is sleeping on Kris's favorite quilted blanket on the floor folded over joey's pillow on Joey's TV spot. He took right to that and sleeps soundly there, when we are in the room with him. <BR><BR>My question is are we going to see a return to normality with Joey? His eating has slowed down, he is sleeping more and doesn't go outside as much. He now follows us around the house and is more clinging than ever before. He walks up and sits down for a rub without prompting. We are not feeding him treats or our food to compensate. But he won't leave my wife alone at night to sleep without her in the living room. He starts crying for no reasons at odd hours. I realize he is grieving but how can we ease his transition. Sleeping hour here and there at his direction is rough on both of us. <BR><BR>Would bringing another into the house ease the grieving process or would that make Joey seem as though he were fighting for his position again. We're not thinking of a puppy but a senior that is more laid back that would hopefully bond so Joey wouldn't be alone. Is that the proper thing to do in this case. Joey is worrying me. I don't know who to ask about this matter and your organization seemed to say it all. If not would you refer me to someone that would guide me through this tough time in our home life.before Joey's life takes a bad turn. <BR><BR></div></body></html>