<div>We are so sad to hear of Pat's passing. As Shirley said, many people are better off for having met her; and although I never met Pat (or many droolers at all), I still feel that I am a better person for having you all in my support network. I recall just a few months back a post from Pat about trying to eat her dinner with all the hounds. She had to get one comfortable, and get an obsessive licker hound away from a hound that was whiney but wouldn't move on her own. When Pat finally settled in to eat, with a hound on her lap mind you, she realized she'd forgot a fork and the remote was across the room. Carol was out of town and called to check in and Pat replied, "Oh things are good, just a typical night with the hounds." Anyway, it wasn't much, but it made me laugh as I could relate to all the drama surrounding just trying to eat dinner. Pat will be missed by many, of that I am sure.</div>
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<div>We are sending warm thoughts and heart healing drool to Carol and all who loved and are missing Pat. I am sure she is rejoicing with many hounds at the bridge - walking across with those who never found their forever home. A rescuers work is never done...</div>
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<div>Kacy with Cowboy and Rupert</div>
<div>San Diego, CA</div>