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<div><FONT face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"></FONT>he was my friend. while i was at the cape this weekend, surrounded by loads of friends and family, i'm glancing at the local newspaper and happened to glance down to a tiny corner picture of him. i instantly wondered, "what's he doing in the paper?" (i've known for quite awhile that he was ill, so that it couldn't be for a movie or somethingi ndustry-related.) then, i saw why. </div>
<div>i went into my room, sat on the bed and cried like a baby. he is in a much better place now, i know. but we were friends for many years and i am so sad.</div>
<div>when my friends saw the paper, they understood why i left the deck so suddenly. when i came back, i did the only thing i could think of to salute him: i had a shot of vodka (which he always called "white water")<br>
by the time i found gus, peter was too ill to understand that i had gotten myself a basset best friend. maybe now he'll know.</div>
<div>susan, loving slave to gus</div>
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