<div>I LOVE it! I thought I was the only one whose hounds really do know WAIT but totally ignore it! I used to try and take all four to the park but they would try and blow through me to get out as soon as I open the car door. So I started using wait at meals. I know it's hard to believe but they will actually wait till I release them to eat but I still have trouble with them getting out of the car. Actually, I've given up taking all four but the only time wait works on them when they're in the car is if we're one on one and I can actually just push one back and insist that they wait. Otherwise, the Houndettes act as a tag team and do everything they can to get by me and out of the car.</div>
<div> </div><div>We have to leash Ginger when she's in the car because she's determined that she's going to drive. It's loose enough so she can maneuver from window to window in the back but she can't get all the way up front into my lap. One time, even though I only had Ginger with me and even though I stood right there in her way and told her Wait, she blew past me and then kind of dangled at the end of the leash. She wasn't really hanging but it sure couldn't have been comfortable. Honestly, as horrified as I was that she was dangling there, I was terribly grateful that I had the second leash on her or she would have gotten away and we were in a busy area. So much for WAIT training with that hard head!</div>
<div> </div><div>The Houndettes are slinging drool mixed with prayers from me to all in need. We're slinging some special drool to Pat and Sandi. You both are in our thoughts and prayers.</div><div> </div><div>Jane & the Houndettes</div>
<div>Jersey, Shadow, Suzy & Ginger</div>