<font color='black' size='2' face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'>
<div><FONT face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"></FONT>Dis Brudder Elwood. I bee one unheppy hound here at me home. Momma dun dooze it again. She said da word. </div>
<div>Dat rite. Dem fighting words----Brudder Elwood youze need to looze a couple pounds, Momma gonna put youze on a diet. Brudder Elwood knows dis means defeecit ob da food. Rite here at da holiday what means hot doggies, hamburgers, chips, steak--oh why this is the weekend ob food and she seys youze aint gittin nuffin. Nuffin. Kibble and Carrots. Green Beans. Yeller Squash. Dat be all--</div>
<div>I seyz Momma hab you looked at thunder thighs Brudder Jake?? Now dat needs da diet, Brudder Elwood nice, firm, sleek----Momma seys your hips gettin little wide Elwood--you on a diet. </div>
<div>Dis means war.</div>
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<div>Drool to all in need<br>
<div style="CLEAR: both"><FONT color=black size=2 face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><FONT color=black size=2 face=arial>
<div>Debbie Winchester <br>
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to <br>
PW, OEBE Elder Clara, <br>
OEBE Brudder Elwood, Instigator of Evil Deeds<br>
Elder Sister Daisy, Brudder Jake</div>
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