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Elvis sent his thank you in last night... I still want to say thank you to Queen Holly Noelle and her mama Suz Green for making and donating pounds and pounds of dried jerky to send in gratiude for folks who donated money for Droopy in Pat Dill's memory. Also thank you to Rusty and Pawtunia... I hear rumors that they pawcured some wonderful items from their dawnslave and houndsbay'ed them for more moolah. I hope I haven't forgotten anyone! <BR>
It has been a long few weeks, we've been gone from home quite a bit and are hoping to get back to a normal routine now. Carol is slowly learning to walk the walk of this new life she's been forced into. So many of you have sent cards and gifts and I know they are helping her hang in there while she tries to find her balance.<BR>
I consider the Drool family to be one of the Blessings in my life- thank you!<BR>
Angelika<BR> </div></body>