Hi everyone. This morning has been awful. I woke up to Droopy (13 years old, otherwise in good health) struggling to stand up. his back end is just not doing what he wants. I know this is common, and I am thankful that he is still able to get around, but I am looking for advice. Once he is up, he does ok, has trouble with steps (only has to deal with one, into and out of the house), wobbles a bit when on uneven terrain, also is holding himself a little lower than normal when he poops, but he is still managing that. Do you guys think this is something i just need to rest him on? is it a situation that i need to get him to the vet asap? i have no idea what to do. the prospect of losing him when all other things are fine is hearbreaking. <br>
<br>thanks.<br>sarah and droopy<br>