My boy Flash has always had a few larg-ish nipples, but the one closest to his front leg on the right side has always been biggest. He has skin allergies and basically a bare, hairless belly. He's able to scratch that area and he sometimes the skin on the nipple and causes it to bleed. <br>
<br>Today, while we were away from the house, he really broke it open and it bled quite a bit. I cleaned him up, put neosporin and band aids on it and covered him with a t-shirt so he can't attack it any more. <br><br>
Without too much descriprtion, the nipple is barely attached. It's a large fleshy nub with a small bit of skin attaching it to his body. <br><br>I'm calling the vet in the morning, but I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with anything like this. Flash is 11 or 12 and I'm not in a hurry to put him under anesthetic. I'd like to have it removed so he can't keep causing his own problems, but I have no idea if that's even an option, what the cost would be and if he could handle the surgery. <br>
<br>Anyone who's had any experience with this that could give some advice, I'd appreciate it. <br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Nicole Haase<br><a href=""></a><br>414-708-3542<br>