I swear I have the best job ever.. I am allowed to read my gmail at work and have moved my drools to Gmail WOOOOO HOOOO ARRRRRROOOOO!<br><br>I get to read the droool.....<br><br>On a sad not we are sending heartfelt drool to Lucy's family for their loss.<br>
I almost started crying at work when I read about Lucy passing to the bridge...<br><br>Everything here at the house of the hilarious hounds is going perfect<br>LiL Miss daisy Halo will celebrate birthday # 9 on Aug 26... with a cake and treats.<br>
<br>Rose the basset / lab mix is being slapped around by one kitten Mittens<br>and Rex the lab sits back and watches..<br>I have not had much time to psot with job changes and keeping up with 3 kids, 3 furkids and 3 kitty cats life is goood..<br>
<br>Have a great evening everyone<br><br>Carolyn<br>Mom to<br>LiL Miss Daisy Halo<br>Rex aka LiL Foot<br>Rose aka Rose bud<br>and cats Scooter, Mittens and Smokey and<br> sadly my long list of Bridge crew :0((...<br><br><br>