<div>The Houndettes have a guest for a few days! One of our puppies that BaRCSE had last fall has come back to us and he is spending time with the herd for a few days. This wonderful boy has been in a couple of foster homes over the past couple of months so we're hoping that we're going to find a good, stable situation for him VERY soon! I have all six dogs with me today (the four Houndettes plus the two mastiffs) so I've only introduced Ty to Suzy so far. He's very submissive and she has such a gentle soul that I thought that Suzy would be a good start for him. Tomorrow is another day and soon enough for him to meet everyone else. I'm always anxious about Ginger with a strange dog just because she can turn into Cujo in a heart beat. Shadow will be fine with him but I have visions of Jersey putting him on his back right off the bat to let him know whose boss. Tomorrow will be an interesting day! </div>
<div> </div><div>All of us at BaRCSE are kind of worried about this wonderful puppy. He's been diagnosed with mild hip dysplasia and now he seems to be having a problem with his front left leg. I'm anxious for my wonderful vet to take a look at him. Basset bones are so odd that I really only trust what an experienced basset vet has to say. I'm praying for pano or something very simple and we'd all appreciate it if you could sling some drool in Ty's direction. I'll be taking him to our vet in the next couple of days and then we'll know what's going on with this sweet puppy. He was resting on my feet till just a couple of minutes ago but now he's up and has just found the toys. It's going to be fun having a puppy in the house again! It's been a long time since we've had such a young one here!</div>
<div> </div><div>We generally don't take the Houndettes to bed with us. There are just too many of them, even with a king bed. When they do get a chance to sleep with us, they all have their spots that they like. Suzy is our burrower. Whenever she gets a chance to get into bed with us she immediately dives under the covers and goes down by our feet. Actually, she the easiest one to sleep with. Shadow goes under the covers but, when we wake up in the morning, there she is in between the two of us on her back with her paws out and over the covers just like she's a person! We're going to have to get a picture of her doing that some day. Jersey always wants to be on top of the DH's pillow and likes to beat it up to make it comfortable. Ginger has to wait till everyone else is up or she takes possession of the bed and won't let anyone else up on it. She just wants to get as close to one of us that she can. She's great to snuggle with!</div>
<div> </div><div>The Houndettes, foster Ty and the mastiffs are sending get well and heart healing drool to all in need.</div><div> </div><div>Jane & the Houndettes</div><div>Jersey, Shadow, Suzy & Ginger</div><div>
plus house guest foster boy Tybee/Wiggles</div><div>and mastiffs Brutus & Sasha</div>