So many! My current favourite is Angela Basset... I always appreciate hearing from her press agent, and I laugh every time I see the name.<div><br></div><div>Noah Go Slowah and Abraham Galinkin are a couple of classics...</div>
<div><br></div><div>and Morse, whose inspector-like ways on a walk are always entertaining to read about, is another favourite.</div><div><br></div><div>Of course Paddi B Basset is one of my favourites too. Her full name is Sunset's Descanso Princess, but we always called her Paddi after my dearest friend, who always wanted a basset and who died of breast cancer before she could ever have one. </div>
<div><br></div><div>Billy B Basset is a favourite too, because my dear Billy, who was named that when he came to us from the shelter, was simply one of the best dogs ever of any breed. He died at 3 or 4, far far too young. His illness brought me to the Drool looking for answers that were simply not to be found.</div>
<div><br></div><div>The "B" came into the names because Herself has always been Paddi Basset, which got shortened to Paddi B, then lengthened again to Paddi B Basset. Of course Billy also had to have a middle initial -- and when Vern came, so did he. He arrived from the SPCA just named Vern, and since he was 8 it seemed unreasonable to ask him to get used to a new name. (He had enough on his paws getting used to Paddi and the Cats, frankly.) So -- since we know nothing of his origins -- he became Vernon Q Basset. What's the Q stand for? We don't know... he's a basset of mystery...</div>
<div><br></div><div>What lovely names they all have!</div><div>Mary</div><div>& Paddi B Basset</div><div>& Vernon Q Basset</div><div>& Billy B Basset, ATB</div>