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<DIV><FONT color=#0000ff size=4 face="Comic Sans MS">We just got back from
Columbia Missouri Veterinary Teaching Hospital and saw two vets and one vet
student who graduates in May of next year she fell in love with Buster I told
her he is up for adoption she says she has a coon hound I said they make great
companions. She laughed but anyway Buster got prodded and poked and his leg
twisted and bent every which way then they wisked him off for more X-rays and he
is spending the night tonight in Columbia they will call me after they have a
plan for him they said they are not sure exactly where to cut the bone they are
going to have a conference so his surgery will be tomorrow if they feel
confident they have the right solution to fix his leg. If not he will have
surgery Wednesday. They are suppose to call me later tonight with an update on
how he is doing. He was exhausted from the trip and all of the prodding. I took
his big bed in with all of our good smells from home on it so he could take a
nice sweet nap while the vets decide which is the best proeedure for him they
said there are two different ways they can proceed one is to put a plate under
his skin to secure the bones and the other is to build a frame outside of his
leg with screws and rings . They usually use the plate. That is what we are used
to. We had the money for half down to get his surgery done thanks to donations
and we really appreciate every donation. Thank You for your help! We will keep
you informed of his progress and as soon as I know something I will let you
know. Thank you so much for your help and well wishes for