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<TITLE>Daphneyland Pacific Waddle - September 24th</TITLE>
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<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT FACE="Tekton Pro">Daphneyland is having their 2</FONT></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"><SUP><FONT FACE="Tekton Pro">nd</FONT></SUP></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT FACE="Tekton Pro"> annual Pacific Waddle on September 24</FONT></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"><SUP><FONT FACE="Tekton Pro">th</FONT></SUP></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT FACE="Tekton Pro"> in Los Angeles. This is a major fundraiser for the many hounds that are in need of forever homes. The first 100 people who collect $100 in pledges, will receive a special commemorative zipper pull that has be specifically designed and donated for this event. Please plan to attend this event and support the hounds. </FONT></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"> </SPAN></P>
<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT FACE="Tekton Pro">If you can’t attend, but would still like to support the hounds, you can do so by Cyber-Waddling your basset, a basset ATB, or one of the many adoptable hounds at Daphneyland. For a $35 donation, we will make a sign with a picture of your selected basset, the dog’s name and your name. The sign will be carried in the Pacific Waddle by a Daphneyland volunteer. You can donate through the</FONT></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"> </SPAN><A HREF="http://www.daphneyland.com"><SPAN LANG="en-us"><U><FONT COLOR="#0000FF" FACE="Tekton Pro">www.daphneyland.com</FONT></U></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"></SPAN></A><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT FACE="Tekton Pro"> page or through the FaceBook Basset Rescue Network, Inc. Cause Page. Once you have made your donation, simply email me the picture of your dog (or tell me which Daphneyland dog), the dog’s name and your name and the poster will be printed and carried on September 24</FONT></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"><SUP><FONT FACE="Tekton Pro">th</FONT></SUP></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT FACE="Tekton Pro">.</FONT></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"></SPAN></P>
<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT FACE="Tekton Pro">I am cyber-waddling a dog</FONT></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"> <FONT FACE="Tekton Pro">I cyber-adopted from Daphneyland. His name is Blue Sam … He lives at Daphneyland (in the house with Dawn) but I own him and pay all of his bills. If you would like to cyber-adopt a Daphneyland dog, that is another way to support Daphneyland. You can do that through a monthly donation plan.</FONT></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"> </SPAN></P>
<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"></SPAN></P>
<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT FACE="Calibri">Sandi Wittenberg</FONT></SPAN></P>
<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT FACE="Calibri">Red Bay Bassets</FONT></SPAN></P>
<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"></SPAN></P>