<html><head><style> body {height: 100%; color:#000000; font-size:12pt; font-family:Arial;}</style></head><body>Mr. Muldoon Sir,<br><br>Edmond Dawd, Lead Inwesitgater for the Pawcific Basset Feet is woofering in a repawt. Yesterday momma took me to the doggie park (you know the one for doggies only?) and there was a disturbance. You see, I usually prefer to chase out the flying feathering things but today I encountered one of those skwirrels we was warned about in training. He was in the doggie park eating seeds! Inside the doggie only area! Can yous believe it!?! <br><br>I know it is a bit outside my realm of dooties, but I gave hims a good chase and a big Edmond woof right on outta there. Betcha he won't be back soon.<br><br>Staying vigilant,<br>Edmond Dawd (Lead Inwestigator)</body></html>