<div>I am typing this while smelling of wet dog, four of them to be exact. We washed them all this afternoon. Nic is the weightlifter. He can lift a lot of basset, even when wet and slippery. We washed in the back yard to keep the house from smelling so why do I have a damp, smelly basset on the couch next to me??? They were not happy about it but they liked all the rubbing and scritching. We cleaned ears too. That they did not like much but really needed. Ninja is dry because she has almost no hair. Not bald, just very thin coat of hair. We can see the spots on her skin through her fur. Marley is in Ninja's spot and wants me to know that she is not amused at being wet. Maggie went and hid after her bath in the tall spots in the back yard. I had to throw her treat to her because she would not get very close. Shelby was a little trooper. She has the most fur and has a roll on her butt. You could almost hear her purr when we washed the back half. </div>
<div> </div><div>I am so grateful for Nic. He helps in all sorts of ways with the girls. And the boys. He loves on them and clips nails. He also brings them a treat each night before they go to sleep. Ninja sleeps in bed with us and Marley sleeps under the bed. The kitties come up to get loves but won't sleep if we close the door. Nic brings treats up for both. They all wait until they hear the treat bags rattle on the stairs. Then the kitties leave to wage war against each other most of the night. They run up and down the halls and stairs trying to outdo one another. Never a dull moment. I just really appreciate all he does. Boy #2 came to the back door but no further. Wouldn't want to touch a hair. Dog hair, that is. He stood at the door and supervised. </div>
<div> </div><div>I really do need to go shower the stink off. Ninja likes the way I smell. It is just like her. Ninja is avoiding all water at the moment. So are the others.</div><div> </div><div>Drool to all from the damp and slightly smelly Ninja, Marley, Maggie and Shelby. The kitty boys are in hiding. They saw the cat shampoo.</div>
<div>and the Mom</div>