With great sorrow we read of the passing of Admiral Sir Belvedere. We always called him Belvedere. He was one of the arch enemies of the Order of the Evil Basset Hound Empire, but we secretly admired him for his dashing ways. We can't believe he has moved to heaven.<br>
<br>Bel had the best home and the best slaves ever born to take care of hounds. We are sorry that his liddle body wore out; however, his big spirit lives on in heaven and in our memories.<br><br>Noah Go Slowah (ATB), Heidi Go Lightly (ATB), Stella B Low (ATB), Deohgee the Stunt Double (ATB), Bullet (ATB), Roland, Duke of Ears, Truman, and Data the Beagle. Also, Calli the Weather Cat (ATB). <br clear="all">
<br>-- <br><div><font color="#3333ff" size="4">Janice Henry Colvin</font></div><br>