<div>Renaming a basset requires a little patience and some treats. I usually call them by their original name and add the new name. For instance when I renamed my then foster from Flash to Dexter, I would call him "Flash-Dexter." I started dropping the "Flash" part and just used "Dexter." It took less than 10 days before he recognized Dexter as his name. Now if I call him "Flash" I get a strange look.</div>
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<div>If we know our foster is going to be renamed, we ask the adoptive family for their name prior to adoption. That way we can start the process of calling the basset by their new name.</div>
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<div>We're fostering a little houndette named Maggie. We're calling her "Little Maggie" We were going to rename her since there's another Maggie already in the rescue. After thinking about it, we realize that her adoptive family might want to rename her. Why confuse the little darling with changing her name from Maggie to Delaney to who knows (probably back to Maggie).</div>
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<div>Lady (always been Lady) & Dexter (formerly Flash prior to entering the basset relocation program - i.e., rescue)</div></div>