<div>OK, the pet communicator thing is really bizarre but I've heard other "mediums" in the past that tell families about seeing pets with someone & they describe them to a "T", so I truly believe that "anything is possible" if you believe! And I believe that everything happens for a reason. God works in mysterious ways with the universe, so I really feel like this was a sign. And whatever your decisions, I truly believe they are made with all the love in your heart and with all the best intentions. It's easy to second guess ourselves at times like these. But just know that all of us know how much love you have for all your babies. And we are sending as much love and healing drool to you & Sister Daisy as we can, plus more. What you give back to all of us Droolers with the Elder Clara reports come from such a place of love that I know it's being returned to you tenfold. You and Sister Daisy are in my constant prayers.</div>
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<div>Vicki Kerns<br> </div>
<p style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; LINE-HEIGHT: normal"><span style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; COLOR: black"><span> </span>~≈≈~</span></p>
<p style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><span style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; COLOR: black; LINE-HEIGHT: 115%"><span> </span>//^ ^\\<br>(/(_•_)\)<br><span> </span>_/''*''\_<br>(/_)^(_\) ~ </span>"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."</p>