First, lots of get well drool to Becky and Sister Daisy. Hounds are all in mass production of drool for both of them.<br>Quick note on Marrow Bones. Our first basset, Toby the Terror, was given one to chew on and somehow managed to flip it over her lower jaw. Here I sit with a dog and a bone on her lower jaw. Of course the vet was closed, so drag out the hack saw blade and go to work. Thank doG bassets love the belly rub. Imagine sitting on the floor with a basset on her back and a bone on her jaw. I would saw saw saw, and then rub rub rub. Had to do both sides of the bone, but after about an hour of the saw and rub, I managed to cut the bone and slide it off the jaw. Didn't even nick the jaw with all the sawing. But never will forget that night, and needless to say no more marrow bones. <br>
I will never buy items made in China. Now they are back to harming more dogs. Buy USA made items. I know there are many out there, I have gotten many at PetSmart. <br>Terry and the hounds Home to the Rio Trio and Ms. Lori Lu and the rest.<br>