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<div>...with a side of beak, feathers and feet. Or at least if not--maybe the words were just hard to get out. Remember the Dr that said Sister Daisy had at least a 85% chance her bad spleen was cancer??</div>
<div>Spleen is clean. No cancer cells present. Hyperactive nodule burst.--(surgery number 1)</div>
<div>This guy just didn't understand the power of prayers and drool did he?</div>
<div>Sister Daisy has a appt w/her Doc tomorrow, and he will decide if we need to send off the sample from the bleed of the second surgery.</div>
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<div>Daisy is improving slowly--she actually ate this morning on her own, but little Miss I Think Not refused the rest of the day. In fact she decided I was not getting the message as I served her warm mushy food on the perch yet again tonight--she sniffed, took her snooter and flipped the bowl all over the floor. I then explained exactly who was second in command here, and got the syringe out. She then peed on the perch. Clara taught her this--I just know it-but little does she know I also learned from Clara and this is a battle of wits. Okay--we know who will win-that is the Brudderz, because they are getting all she is not eating and loving it.</div>
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<div>As Colt and Ruger's Momma said-if you want the bisket, you gotta risk it, I took a big risk, but I knew my hound, I knew the powers behind all the odds. I got the biscut-now if Daisy would eat the biscut!!!</div>
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<div>Great news from the Beach, my feet have not hit the floor all day!</div>
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<div>Drool to all in need</div>
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<div style="CLEAR: both"><FONT color=black size=2 face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><FONT color=black size=2 face=arial>
<div>Debbie Winchester <br>
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to <br>
PW, OEBE Elder Clara, <br>
OEBE Brudder Elwood, Instigator of Evil Deeds<br>
Elder Sister Daisy, Brudder Jake</div>
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