<p>Thank you Melissa for your post about Buddy, the unneutered Hound who developed testicular cancer. </p>
<p>I just wanted to reach out as well to anyone in that position - unsure or not agreeing with neutering. We were in your shoes with Cowboy. He was a well-behaved, non-aggressive, intact male (who only humped on occasion). He was also hung like a horse which garnered lots of attention and was quite amusing to the DH and his buddies. </p>
<p>I was in favor of neutering but not die-hard since he had never been loose or had the opportunity to encounter intact females. At age 4 we were told that his testicles were enlarged and that he would likely develop cancer eventually. That was convincing enough to schedule the "fix" and get it done. </p>
<p>Now for years I've heard people say "oh they're so much happier after" and comments of similar content. I called shenanigans up until Cow got neutered. Now almost a year later we can honestly say that Cowboy has never been happier. We were just talking about it the other night- he still has his funny little personality but he is so much more affectionate and looking back I now believe he was depressed pre-neuter. Then we just thought that was his personality but now I can truly see a happier dog. Plus it has made Rupert, our (neutered) alpha brat, much more accepting of Cowboy getting attention and love. </p>
<p>So yes listen to Melissa. If you don't show or breed (responsibly of course) please neuter your intact males. It really does affect their health and happiness in my opinion.</p>
<p>Kacy with Cow and Ru</p>