<font size="2"><font face="verdana,sans-serif">
<div><br>This is not a breeder to which you are referring. I took the time to look at the list and this is a PUPPY MILL going out of business. To insinuate that all breeders do this is just not true, nor fair, nor responsible, and that is EXACTLY what was inferred.</div>
<div>Try the code of ethics that MOST BREEDERS try to adhere to, since, if you want to get anywhere in showing and breeding you better be able to prove that you are not breeding indiscriminately or too many times a year, and your puppies better be healthy and happy.</div>
<div>It seems to me that someone running a rescue should certainly be able tell the difference between a puppy mill and a reputable breeder, and since I consider myself one of the latter I resent being painted with the same brush as some back-hills puppy mill. </div>
<div>Please, if you do not know the difference between reputable breeders and a puppy mill going out of business, learn. It will help you in the long run.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>MomPerson to Nigel, Llewis, Conley and Cooper.</div></font></font>