<div>We had a lovely couple come and visit Tybee on Saturday. They have a six month old female basset that they recently adopted and she needs a friend. Well, the boy turned on the charm full blast and I do believe he will be headed to a new home after we make one more vet visit on Thursday. Tybee has been such a good boy throughout this whole ordeal but he's feeling good enough now that he wants to go, go, go! We have done exactly what our vet told us to and he has not been allowed to run, jump, use stairs or basically do anything that will stress that leg for the past five and a half weeks. I do have to admit, I've lightened up over the past couple of days. It will be six weeks on Thursday and, over the past couple of days, I have let Ty go out in the back yard off leash as long as all the rest of the herd is inside. My biggest fear is that he'll try to chase a squirrel or bird but he's been really good so far so I'm giving him some independence. I'm anxious to see what our vet will say when he sees him later this week. So cross your fingers and paws folks! Let's hope that Tybee can go to his new family next weekend!</div>
<div> </div><div>Ginger is finally done with all of her antibiotics for her UTI and her infected anal gland. I found some 100% pumpkin yesterday and will be adding that to her and Jersey's meals since they both have a history of problems. The DH and I had a good laugh last night as we were preparing Ty and the Houndette's dinner. Had to pull the yogurt, sharp shredded cheese, baby carrots, green beans and open a can of pumpkin before we began to load up their bowls. Yes, we seem to be serving a buffet here at Chez Houndette. At least they aren't demanding that I actually cook for them like Miss Daisy has Debbie doing! Elder Clara did good with that sweet girl!</div>
<div> </div><div>All is well at the Houndette's house and Tybee is looking at a wonderful future. Life is good!</div><div> </div><div>Jane & the Houndettes</div><div>Jersey, Shadow, Suzy & Ginger</div><div>with foster boy Tybee</div>