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<DIV>Thanks everyone for the suggestions on my baby Lexi, and the anal gland issues. I am trying a number of things, (including a 3rd round of antibiotics), and considering the "infusion" that someone suggested. I also went ahead and got blood work and the doctor gave me the "all ok" this morning. Its just odd, because I have had her on this food for 8 months at least, and now, she has an infection...guess it takes time to build up. I feel guilty, because I am very limited financially, but will stop at nothing to help her...she does not scoot very much at all, but the area is red ...still...hopefully this round of drugs will help, and I am on my way to get some canned pumpkin. </DIV>
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<DIV><FONT color=#4040ff size=4 face=courier><EM>Lexi's forever mom</EM></FONT></DIV>