<font color='navy' size='3' face='Comic Sans MS, sans-serif'><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Comic Sans MS', sans-serif; color: navy; font-size: 12pt; ">I have a foster who is half basset. Don't know what the other half is but she is 52 pounds and VERY broad across the chest with 8 inch legs. She is a puller and I was concerned about the stress on her neck when we walked so I purchased a Premier Easy Walk Harness. Fortunately I tested it on her in an enclosed area because she walked right out of it! You can imagine my surprise and her smirk! Those short little legs coupled with her large girth (30 inches) made it unworkable. </span>
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<div style="font-family: 'Comic Sans MS', sans-serif; "><font class="Apple-style-span" color="#000080" size="3">Someone on the DD mentioned Sensation Harnesses worked great for her so I have ordered one of those for my large girl. Paws crossed!<br>
<div style="color: navy; font-size: 12pt; clear: both; "><font class="Apple-style-span" color="#000080" face="'Comic Sans MS', sans-serif" size="3">Bonnie - momperson to Jen, Bella, Twinkie and foster Ruby<br>
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