<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><DIV>Hi All, Cyrus here,<BR> <BR>momPerson and Snoopy have sworn off the drool for the time being because they can't open e-mail without bursting into tears these days. I'm sorry to hear Penelope has made her way to the bridge. And of course we send our best to Nigel and his family.<BR> <BR>I've got my share of basset related complaints. Those mostly revolve around Snarky .... er ... I mean Snoopy. Now he's cute. And he's LUCKY he's cute. It took TEN (count them TEN) months before he learned to share a plate. momPerson has been RINSING plates instead of letting us lick them because Snarky ... that is to say Snoopy ... would just go crazy if you put a plate down on the floor to lick. Finally last month she found a trick. Let me lick
while she counts to three, and then let Snoopy lick while she counts to three and then back and then forth and so on. FINALLY he realized no one is trying to cheat him and then last week we just both started licking together and were fine.<BR> <BR>We share water bowls too ... his as well as mine, much to my shagrin! He sticks his whole snooter in there and then when he's done drinking he blows his nose in it for good measure!! EWWWWW. momPerson has to change the water 8 times a day.<BR> <BR>Today we went to the dog park. Everybody knows me because I've been going there 7 years now. And everybody knows Snoopy because he's ... well ... Snoopy. He gets along with everyone, but he still asks dogs to play by barking at them and a lot of dogs don't like that. Just last week I had to explain to a yellow lab that while he might be rude he's also mine and you cannot offer to kick his butt for being
loud. I told the yellow lab twice and then I had to hump him to make my point and we wound up getting dragged home on account of him. Week before I was humping a lady ridgeback who was getting too chummy with my little brother with the same result. Sheesh.<BR> <BR>Snoopy has a new trick. You see momPerson bought ottomans for every bed in the house so he can get up. And I decided he could get in bed with momPerson and dadPerson and me. So .... he does ... and then he scratches and chews. He knows momPerson will scold him for this ... and I cannot stand anyone being scolded. I punish momPerson for scolding by standing outside and glaring at her. I taught her not to scold the girls in front of me this way. Well, Snoopy has figured out he can kick me out of bed by scratching because momPerson will scold and so I have to punish her and ... yeah ....<BR> <BR>Snoopy and I like to hang out
together. We look like ying and yang when we sleep together, those intersecting half moons, that's us. I'm black and he's got some white, and it works. We sleep together that way on every bed in the house ... unless momPerons and/or dadPerson is in the bed ... then Snoopy grins at me and starts to scratch ..... We play too. I'll get out the Frog that goes ribbit ... and he'll steal it ... so I go get the cow which goes mooo and Snoopy shouts MY cow and grabs it so I go get the orange squeaky ball and he starts crying I WANT the ball, I WANT the ball .... so I give him the ball and go get the IDENTICAL orange squeaky ball and he starts crying I want THAT ball and so I go grab the dragon with 16 squeakers and momPerson tells him to leave me the heck alone already ...<BR> <BR>Hang in there through all the sadness, drool to all in need ( I drool as much as my buddy here).<BR> <BR>More later from Cyrus and Snarky
...er ... Snoopy</DIV></div></body></html>